Banners Ruhi Rituals Founder Britta Hekmat



    With ruhi I would like to introduce women and men to beneficial rituals - encourage them to take time for themselves and their natural needs Glow to find. That's what Britta, the founder of ruhi, says. Before she founded ruhi, she wrote about clean skincare topics on When she became pregnant, she became more interested in a holistic approach to beauty. During her detailed study of Ayurveda, traditional Chinese medicine and naturopathy, she discovered many exciting, ancient medicinal plants, but also traditional beauty rituals such as Dry brush massages, cupping treatments and facial massage techniques. Britta began to integrate these simple applications into her everyday life and after a short time noticed how good they were for her: "They reduce everyday stress, have a relaxing effect, give new energy and, at the same time, beautify my skin!"

    The idea for Ruhi was born!

    Ruhi is Persian and stands for soul, spirituality and essence. Ruhi relies on holistic self-care rituals that stimulate our self-healing powers, increase well-being and make our skin shine again. High-quality self-care tools made from natural materials such as wood, stone or copper are processed in the traditional way and mostly manufactured in Germany. With the minimalist design and beautiful packaging made from recycled paper, nothing stands in the way of your own self-care ritual!

    18 Products