Sample service
Do you send free samples? Yes!With every order you will receive 2 samples - free of charge! When checking out, you have the option of specifying samples of your choice in the shopping cart. We can provide a sample of most products, either in a pre-made sachet or filled by hand. This gives you the opportunity to find out whether you have, for example, a Lipstick color whether you want the face cream get along or like you with one shampoo get by. If you are interested in swatches of lipsticks, eye shadow or other decorative cosmetics products or if you have any questions, please send us an email to We can send you a photo of the swatches.
How does the sample set work?In contrast to the free samples with a regular order, the sample set is a product that you can add to your shopping cart and order like any other product. A Samples set with three samples it costs €5,90, with five samples it costs €9.90.
With the sample set you have the opportunity to test 3 or 5 products of your choice. To do this, please enter your sample requests in the text field in the shopping cart.
Therefore, please indicate one or two alternative sample requests in case your first-mentioned requests are not available. Of course, you can still specify 2-3 sample requests with a regular order. Sample requests combined with a regular order are free of charge. How big is a sample?Usually one sample is sufficient for 1-2 applications. We use small cosmetic jars or sealable bags for individual fillings. In the case of self-filled samples, we cannot guarantee that every sample is exactly the same amount. Are there any products for which there are no samples?Yes, there are a few brands and products that we cannot offer samples of. Below is a selection of products or brands that are not available as samples. This list is by no means exhaustive and the availability of brands or products is subject to change at any time.
Note: There are also samples, for example perfume samples, that are available as standalone product with price are listed in the shop. These samples can not can be ordered as a free sample or as a sample set, but can be purchased like a normal product.