Greenborn - Blanda Beauty



    Iben Bering is the founder of Greenborn. For Iben, natural beauty is not only a passion, but also her profession. She has been running a distribution business for high-end natural cosmetics for many years and has always been followed deodorants asked that do not contain any questionable ingredients and  also really work. She can now fulfill her wish: after more than 3 years of development, it was Greenborn Deodorant born!

    "I believe in the power of nature and in our responsibility to protect it. But I also believe in performance and aesthetics. And I believe that these three things don't have to be mutually exclusive - or shouldn't be. The cleanest care product is worth nothing if it doesn't work or you don't like putting it in the bathroom Greenborn Using deodorant shouldn't feel like a compromise for the sake of the environment or health, but like a conscious choice for effectiveness, design, innovation and sustainability.” Iben Bering

    No stains. No doubts. No bullshit. The creed of Greenborn gets to the point: scientifically proven deodorant effectiveness with pure naturalness. Absolute reliability, undoubted ingredients. A new generation of luxury Body Care, which consistently and uncompromisingly dispenses with anything superfluous - clean, pure, timeless.

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