Healthy facial care begins with cleansing
Why is daily cleaning so important? An effective facial cleansing frees the skin from deposits of sebum, care residues, make-up and environmental pollution that accumulate on the skin and in the pores over the course of the day. These deposits prevent the cells from breathing and can make cell regeneration more difficult. Not only blackheads and pimples, but also premature skin aging can be the undesirable consequence of clogged pores.
However, this does not mean that you should overdo it with daily cleaning. By being aggressive and too frequent Facial Cleansing the skin is unnecessarily stressed and makes it susceptible to the penetration of germs and bacteria. It is enough to cleanse the face twice a day, preferably in the morning and evening, or after exercise. The cleansing in the evening should be thorough, but with normal and dry skin, the wash cycle in the morning can be reduced.